THIS BOOK IS UNIQUE, in that it teaches about the Universe, how it works, what it is, what’s is behind the curtain to the unseen world, the Real Power of the Mind, how to communicate with the Universal Consciousness, Universal Success Principles, how to Manifest things for yourself and others using the Spiritual language and the rest of the things you have wondered about. If you read the book three times, and do some of the things spoken of, your life will never be the same. You will move up the Spiritual Evolutionary ladder.
CONCEPTS WRITTEN ABOUT IN THIS BOOK How the universe downloaded all its knowledge into my mind – How to design your life experience the way you want it to be, before you have to live it – until now, mostly undiscovered Universal Success Principles – Creation – What was created at the “Big Bang” – Who was “Jesus”, and what did he look like, according to the obscure Roman writings, and other non-biblical records? – Who / what is “God”? – – – Who really created the first Bible? – Who / what are you? – Who created you? – What is the Physical world made of? – What is Universal Consciousness? – How to use the right techniques to access the Universal Consciousness to manifest good things in your life – “Pearls of wisdom” and Success principles you can only learn by talking to Billionaires – How the Universal Consciousness speaks to you – What is the Universal Mind? – What is your “Mind”? – What is the “Power of the Mind” – How does the Subconscious Mind work? – Memory – Perfect recall of memory – How does the Super Conscious Mind work? – What is thought? – Is your life predetermined by Fate? – How does “Free Will” work for you? – What is Spiritual creation? – What is Physical creation? – Who are the “Guardians of the Soul”? – Quantum Physics explaining creation, made simple, without the equations – Can “God” be “good” and “evil” at the same time? – What really brings out “evil”? – Why do most prayers go unanswered? – How to pray – What is the language in the Spiritual world? – What is time? – Can we manipulate time? – Time travel is possible – Starting a new “Time line” – What is hidden in the future for mankind? – Telepathy – Thought Transference – Was the “Big Bang” 14 Billion years ago, an “accident”? – What is Love? – You can transfer Love to someone else – What is “Heaven”? – What is the “Great Sea of Light”? – What is the “Soul”? – Soul memory – Pre-birth memory – Where is our real “Home”? – Awakening – Illumination – Ascension – Immortality – What is Physical “death”? – Where is “Heaven”? – There is no Spiritual “death” – Reincarnation – KARMA – The importance of Forgiveness – Who was the “Teacher of Righteousness”? – The Essenes – How do you know when you are on the right Spiritual path? – The meaning of life – and more – much more.