If it works for Billionaires, it will work for you.

If you are in business, like to be in business, be better at your job, or like to have a better harmonious family, these principles are for you.

To become successful at anything, we should study and learn from the ones who has done it successfully before.  But as a Billionaire told me one time; “I also study the ones who fail, so I do not have to do the same mistakes.”

Business, and running a successful family life is like going through a mine-field. That is why I am saying: “When you go through a mine-field, follow someone with bigger shoes then you have”. 

That is why I wrote this book: “Universal Success Principles And How Billionaires Think”.

In this book are many of the principles and techniques of the wealthiest and most successful people in the world.  Their techniques and what they do are explained on the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual level of existence. 


Consider this:

There are 3 ways to make money:

  1. Trading time for money. (no security there)
  2. Investments (most people lose in the market)
  3. Duplication of time. (wealth and security)


Things you need to do:

  1. Know what you want
  2. Know what you are willing to give up, temporarily, in order to get what you want.
  3. Associate with Positive Successful people who are willing to help you get what you want.
  4. Plan your work in your mind first, work your plan and never take your eyes of your goal.
  5. Engage your mind in Higher Conscious Thinking, meditate and expect the unexpected good things to happen.
  6. Delegate and do not become a “workaholic”.


Principles by which you can create great wealth:

  1. You must be in Private Business
  2. Be in a demand item or service
  3. Out-service the competition
  4. Guarantee your product or service 100%, no questions asked
  5. Pay workers on performance, not by title.
  6. True Success is only available through the Success and satisfaction of others


Consideration for an Ideal Business:

  1. Unlimited potential
  2. I must be paid what my performance is worth
  3. Must have continues income
  4. Must have great Tax advantages
  5. Work must be fun
  6. Must create Financial Freedom


You need 3 different types of goals:

  1. Short range goals (hours – days – weeks)
  2. Medium range goal (weeks – months)
  3. Long range goals (months – years – lifetime)


And remember, a goal is only a dream until you put a date on it. That date should not only be a calendar date, but a time-coded event like a birthday party – Christmas party – end of the year. Because that is what the Universal Mind understand and create attraction.

Have your goals written down and review them every day. This could be a “vision-board” with pictures, phrases, statements and dates on it.

Visualize what you want in colourful images and fill it with emotion, intention, gratitude for already having it, and Loving feelings. It is important to visualize other people enjoying it with you after you Succeed. 

If these principles make sense to you, you should read “the rest of the story” in this book: “UNIVERSAL SUCCESS PRINCIPLES AND HOW BILLIONAIRES THINK”.

You will find the book in the catalogue of “Tools for Freedom”.  Call 800-770-8802 and ask for the book with Catalog Order #: 9085 

If you read this book and practice what is suggested, NOTHING can stop you.


Best wishes:

Aage Nost