This one is for you coffee drinkers out there. Many of us can not live without coffee. Yeah – I am one of them. And of course, it has to be Coffee with Caffeine in it, otherwise – it is not Coffee.
We hear conflicting voices out there. If you put your ear to the Internet and listen, you will hear some say Coffee is bad for you, and the next web page you visit say Coffee is good for you. So what should we believe ? I found totally independent studies that say it is absolutely good for us. And this is what it does to us, according to one study at the University of Barcelona in Spain:
- It makes us smarter. It sharpens your thinking, improves your memory and gives you more optimism.
- It decreases the risk for Heart Disease. The study, which had 23,000 people in it, said that for the ones who drank three cups of coffee per day, had much less chance of having Heart Disease then the ones who did not drink Coffee or even only had one cup per day. The result of this study was published in: “JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology”, and was very conclusive. Look here:
- It makes you happier. It also decreases your chances of getting Depression, and get an over-all better outlook on life.
- It decreases your risk for Diabetes. You can read about another study here, saying just that: “Coffee Components Inhibit Amyloid Formation of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in Vitro: Possible Link between Coffee Consumption and Diabetes Mellitus”
- It protects against Alzheimer’s. One cup per day is enough to slow down or stop the onset of Alzheimer’s. A study here said that if you are worried about Alzheimer’s you should not have any more then one cup per day. Read it here:
- It protects the liver. There is a study of 430,000 people, which show it protects the Liver from deterioration specially in people who drink too much. Here is the study:
- It also helps prevent Parkinson’s Disease. Researchers at Linkoping University in Sweden found a variant of Coffee which can protect greatly against Parkinson’s. Read about it here:
So, have another cup of Coffee. I am !!!