IS IMMORTALITY POSSIBLE? Well, medical science says it is.

Did you know that in 2009, the Nobel Prize was given to three doctors for the discovery of an Enzyme that Reverses the Aging Process? And – – – nobody told us. This should have been the most published and talked about medical discovery this Millennia.

This Blog may be a little long, but it can be one of the most important pieces of writing you will ever read.

IMMORTALITY, what is it? I think the definition is something like: “Not ever die”. If it is available to you, would you even want it? Many of us are tired of life already. Can you handle another hundred thousand years at your job? Immortality is not for everyone. What about just a long healthy life without disease and boredom? It is very possible. I am an example of that. I have never really been sick (except for some very well-deserved hangovers in my misspent youth), and I have more energy than most people one-third my age. I am 75 years old.

We now know what causes aging and dying. The body gets stuck with old dried-out and dead cells that are not being flushed out and not replaced. That is happening because the Telomeres at the end of the Chromosomes are shortening a little bit every time the cell divide. When the Telomeres are getting so short that they are no longer able to hold the ends of the Chromosomes together, the Chromosomes are starting to fray and no longer stay together. This causes the cell to not be able to replicate itself, so you get stuck with the old dried-out cell. When we have enough of this Enzyme, the Telomeres are not shortening and the cells of your body can replicate themselves. If we have enough of this Enzyme called Telomerase in the system, which the body normally does not have as we get older, the Telomeres at the end of the Chromosomes can in fact get longer. That is reversing the Aging process.

I will get into the medical science and what you can do to extend your life drastically later, but first, you need some background. It is obvious that humans have the capacity for old age. In the 1930’s, the magazine: “National Geographics” went down to South America and visited a tribe in the Andes Mountains, by Lake Titicaca, where many of them were over 130 years old, and some much older than that. The Hunza People are also known for being 120 to 140 years old.

In the mid 1950’s there was a Chinese university professor which came to New York on a cultural exchange program between governments. One evening he went out with some colleges for dinner, got food poisoning, and died. When he got to the morgue, they went through his papers / passport, and the Coroner called the Ambassador and told him there was something wrong with this man’s papers. It looked as he was 154 years old. The Ambassador told the Coroner it was correct. The Professor was 154 years old. The Coroner asked the Ambassador: “How can that be”? And the Ambassador told him the Professor did not think he could ever die, and he only ate Chinese herbs and berries.

I have found another Herbalist and Chinese Martial Art Master, which according to Chinese government documents, were 256 years old when he died from an accident. There were records of Mr. Li Ching Yuen birth, a letter of congratulations from the Chinese government on his 200th Birthday, and one on his 250th Birthday. He was teaching Martial Arts to the Chinese military all up to his last days of his life. And yes, he died because of an accident, not because of old age. One of Li’s students, Master Da Liu told the story that when Li was 130 years old, he had met a hermit in the mountains who was over 500 years old and started to learn from him. He was taught a form of Qigong. This involves breathing exercises, movements, sounds, mind exercises, and herbal and dietary regimens. I will think these two Chinese gentlemen had a similar lifestyle. I found what these men ate, and that is one of the big reasons for their age. Part of it was: Lingzhi – Goji Berries – Wild Ginseng – He sho wu – Gotu Cola – Jiaogulan herb (called the “Immortality Herb” in China) – and probably the most important one: Astragalus. There is solid medical research showing that when Astragalus is taken in large doses, it will lengthen the Telomeres at the end of the Chromosomes. That reverses the Aging Process. There is a couple of herbs missing, or at least should be part of it for us in the west: Cayenne Pepper. It will help us clean the blood vessels and avoid Heart Attacks. And Selenium, which will strengthen the Heart muscle. Of course, do not forget to Exercise and keeping the body alkaline. That is a must.

In the “Kings List” of the Sumerian tablets, they speak of people who were around for tens of thousands of years.

I have a document produced by someone at the Genome Project. I got it from a friend at the helm of the program. The title of the document is: “The Problem Of Human Mortality Has Been Solved”. In there, they explain there is a succession of genetic markers that allow for aging and death. They explain aging and death are a function of 3 things, and the technology to correct this is here today.

1. There is a genetic defect. That can be corrected by Genetic manipulations by both genetic engineering (gene therapy) and by the mind and your environment through Epigenetics. There is a new Science coming online now, it is called: “Epigenetics”. That involves that we can turn on and off Genetic markers at will by the way we think and the environment we subject ourselves to. Many Medical Experiments have proven this to be effective.

2. There is a nutritional deficiency. The body will rebuild itself and stay healthy if it is given the raw material to do so. With proper nutrition, minerals, and Rare Earths / Trace Minerals, the body will rebuild itself. We do not get it through the food we eat. The soil is depleted of nearly all Minerals, and the food is being sprayed with poison for pesticide – – and yes, you eat that.

3. There is a Mental Disorder. This will disturb a few people, but the mental disorder is – – – Religion. I believe there is something to this. Look around you and see what Religion has done to mankind. Some would say, “How can religion cause you to die”? Well, besides the Beheadings and all the religious wars, we are told that when we die, we will be going to a better place. When we get older, frail, sick, suffering from pain everywhere, and bored of life, this “better place” starts to look pretty good. The Subconscious Mind starts drawing you towards it, and the physiological processes in the body will adjust and comply with the Subconscious longing for that “better place”. And there you go – – –.

And then, there are these three doctors who were granted the Nobel Price in 2009 for discovering an Enzyme that will (not may) reverse the Aging Process. Check it out for yourself. Go to the Nobel Committee website. Scroll down to “Medical Submissions”. Scroll to 2009, and read it. You will like it. I have read these papers and many other scientific papers on it, and in there it states, one place: “If people had enough of this enzyme, there would be no reason why anyone would ever have to die from old age anymore”. Think of it. If the Nobel Committee had found anything wrong with that statement, they would have rejected the whole paper. The name of the Enzyme is TELOMERASE. There are two ways to do this. You can buy the Enzyme, and it very expensive. There is another way which is really cheap. Medical research shows that the best way to do it is to take supplements that will help the body to produce the real original Enzyme by itself. I write very extensively about this, and explain how this can be done in my book: “Spiritual Science, Higher Conscious Thinking And How To Access The Universal Consciousness”. It is available at under my name. There is also another book that I found two years after I wrote mine. It is a compilation of medical research supporting what I wrote, that the mind and that Chinese herb can do the same. The name of the book is: “How To Reprogram Your DNA For Optimum Health”. On page 99 they explain that if you take Astragalus in large doses, it will have the same effect as if you were taking the Enzyme by its Pharmaceutical form, called TA-65. In my research, I have found medical research coming from Germany showing that if you take Astragalus and Wild Ginseng together, and powdered Black Pepper, it will give you a multiplying effect, and be many times more effective.

So, let me tell you what I am doing. I take one heaping Tea Spoon of Astragalus in the morning – one in the early afternoon – and one late evening, every day (I buy it by the pound, and it comes to about $16 / lb and that lasts about a month. I take Korean Ginseng (9 – 10 capsules / day), Jiaogulan Herb (3 capsules / day). I will probably double the dose of the Jiaogulan Herb next time I order. I also take One Teaspoon of Bee Pollen – Selenium – Gotucola – Sulforaphane – Trace Minerals – Bioperine – flax Seed Oil – Lecithin and 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the evening of LUGOL’S Iodine. And of course, I take an even teaspoon of Baking Soda per day, so I keep my body Alkaline to about 8 PH. From time to time I switch the Baking Soda with a Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning and in the evening. Remember, in 1931, Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for discovering that no virus or bacteria can live in a heavy Oxygenated and Alkaline environment. There are hundreds of medical research papers showing that a Cancer cell and virus can not live in an Alkaline body of 8 PH. I also eat mostly Raw Natural Foods (at least 50%) every day. I am happy with the results because I see changes, I feel good, have a lot of energy, wrinkles going away. I am looking into what I can do with my diet to make sure I can get ALL the Nutrients, Minerals, and Enzymes I need for the body to be able to rebuild itself. I will write about that later.

I have researched this quite a bit, and I have found that the best and most reasonable place to get herbs from is: in the USA. If you use my Discount Code, you will have a discount. The code is: AAK6NP It only works if you order on the Internet.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

If you really like to expand your Mind, watch some of our Radio Shows and Videos at Broadcast Team Alpha on Youtube. Especially the one on Reversing the Aging Process and staying healthy at:

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