If you ask anyone on the streets of the United States what the difference between a Republic and a Democracy is, you will find that almost none knows the answer. This is one of the biggest reasons why the “American Experiment” will end very soon. The American people has been brainwashed and dummbed down to the point where they are no longer capable of reasonable and sound thinking and making responsible decisions for them selves. The sad part is that they have been coxed in to believing that a Government and the major news media will tell them the truth, and that an attorney can be trusted to make beneficial decisions on their behalf. The ones that read and study history, will know what kind of future America will have – since America has been slowly converted from being a Republic, in to becoming a working Democracy. The track record of Democracies and Republics have been constant and predictable for several thousand years.

The Founding Fathers of America knew this. That is why they created a republic and handed it over to the people. The proof is in their own writings. Listen to James Madison: “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found compatible with personal security or the rights of property; – – and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths”.  

James Madison, The Federalists Papers,


That is why the Founding Fathers put this little “thing” in Article IV of the Constitution of the United States of America: “ – – guarantees to every State in this union a Republican form of Government.” They saw a great danger in the principles of Democracy. Virginia’s delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Edmund Randolph wrote: “The general object was to provide a cure for the evils under which the United States had labored; that in tracing these evils to their origin, every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of Democracy.”

 Edmund Randolph, 1787

Signer of the Constitution. 

In 1814 James Adams, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence wrote in a warning about Democracy: 

“Remember, Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a Democracy that did not commit suicide.”  

Even John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America had something to say about Democracy and Republics: “ Between a balanced Republic and a Democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”


In 1928 we could read in the U.S. War Department Training Manual TM 2000-25, under “Citizenship”: “Democracy . . has been repeatedly tried without success. Our Constitutional fathers made a very marked distinction between a Republic and a Democracy, and said emphatically that they had founded a Republic.”


The people responsible for policy in the Federal Government of the United States of America knows the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. So how do we know? Simply by reading their own words.: The U.S. Army Training Manual, November 1928 states: 

“Democracy: A government for the Masses. Authority derived through mass meetings . . . Attitude towards property is Communistic, negating property rights. Attitude towards law is that the will of the majority shall regulate. . . results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent.”


Republic: Authority is derived through the election of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude towards property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude towards law is the administration of justice in accord with fixed principles and established evidence, with strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in Statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice, contentment and progress.” 


Sounds to me as if they had a clear understanding of things. Now observe how the official definitions have changed.  


The Soldier’s Guide, U,S. Army, June 1952, states:

“Meaning of Democracy: Because the United States is a Democracy, the majority of our people decide how our government shall be organized and run.” 


We are observing from personal experience what a Democracy is, and is turning in to. In a land where absolutely everything people need to do to live has been made illegal, and then permission to do these things are piecemealed back to them in form of a license, there can be no true freedom. We must never forget the definition of the word “License.” It is “A permission to do what is otherwise illegal.”  Whoever gives the license is the ruler. It is not the people. 

History has proven in any Democracy, that when the people figure out how they can vote themselves benefits from the public treasury, their society will be descending down in to a cesspool of corruption and a tyrannical police state. Your best example is the United States. 


The government created by a Democracy is totally different from one created by the principles of a Republic. Of course, neither one of these forms of government comes even close to the freedoms you have for the people in a Voluntary Society, Free State or Anarchy. Check it out on the Internet.


Let us summarize the principles of a Democracy: The majority rules through elected representatives and appointed officials, without the safeguards and restraints laid down in a fixed body of law. The law can be altered by the whims and wishes of the people creating the laws. Laws and the interpretations thereof are made on the bases of emotional reactions to societal problems. Political blocks compete to control the lawmaking process because therein lies the power to control, prestige and elitist advantages. The primary job of the bureaucrat in government is to protect the power of the State, and enforce the corporate will on the people at the barrel of a gun.  The laws reflect money and power, not truth and justice. Political laws allows for the creation of an advantage for the attorneys, insiders, the wealthy, the well connected people with eloquence of speech, the politicians, which the rest of us commonly call “the elite”. People will mostly vote for what they want, not for what is right. Under a Democracy, vices often become crimes. The exercise of most freedoms will become criminal activities. Then, the Democracy will justify their existence by outlawing just about every activity of life, and then making it available to the people through a license. This is the rule, of’course, unless you are one of the elected elite. A good example there is when the Congress of the United States exempted themselves from all the laws they created for the rest of the people. 


A Democracy is where the will and pleasures of a group of society, the powerful, eloquent of speech, and well connected, and sometimes the majority is imposed on the rest of society. “Consent of the Governed”, as it says in the Constitution of the Unites Sates of America is totally meaningless. A Democratic government turns in to a “velvet Hammer”, and imposes fines and punishments for almost absolutely everything they please. Fines are paid to the government, not to the ones that may be harmed. Therefore, more and more laws are put on the books to create more criminals so they will have more income. A Democracy always turns in to a dictatorship by the state where it imposes its rule on the masses without any thought of individuals and their lives, personal freedom and justice. The only thing that becomes of importance to the state is having power. In order to have that power, they have to make money so they will ruthlessly enforce their “laws” on the people so they can levy more and more fines. And the people are to stupid to see it. Through out history there has been a concept well known to the thinkers and the doers of society, that dates back to the time of the Roman Empire. It says; “The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the government.”

So what is a Republic?

No one in the media or public life hardly ever speak of it. As you can see from the earlier part of this article, the Founding Fathers had a good understanding of what a Democracy and a Republic is. On the bases of this understanding, they chose a Republic. 

A true Republic is built on the concept that the people have rights superior to all laws created by earthly governments. Laws that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the great “creator of the universe / multiverse.”


A Republic is founded on the Rule of Law. This is the Common and Scientific law that is constant and unchangeable. 

(Truth is always constant and does not change with peoples wims and opinions.) This law is discovered, and not made. Once the laws of opportunity, freedom and justice are discovered, laws should be created to support it, and cast in stone. Government will act as a shield for punishes the abuse of freedom, assaults against property, liberty and life. 


In this Republic the agents of the government / officers of the law are appropriately called Peace Officers. They are not there to enforce political law, but protect the people from fraud, physical danger and injustice. Here is an example: The Arizona Constitution states in Article 2 Section 2, that the “Purpose of government is to protect and ensure individual freedoms.” To show you how far the corruption in government has come, it is now illegal for anyone to feed the homeless in Tucson Arizona. You need a license to do that. In the True Republic, all taxes are based on voluntary compliance used to fund legitimate government expenses and functions. John Adams dictated on several occasions in his writings;” No man may be taxed against his will – – “ The tax rules and regulations enforced on the people of the United States of America, are voluntary based on self-assessment. The Internal Revenue Code, and the booklet that comes with the 1040 tax return forms say so. Only in the United States, these voluntary income taxes are extracted from the people at the barrel of a gun.


In the True Republic, ( and there are many fake ones where human rights and justice is not observed ) the people are sovereign and their rights are sacred. People need no license or otherwise any permission to work, travel, ( yes folks, the Supreme Court has stated over and over again that to demand the use of a drivers license to travel for your private use, is an infringement on a basic human right to travel ) or conduct themselves in their private affairs. 


Remember the words of Thomas Jefferson in his Inaugural address.: “A Republic is a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another  –   shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuit of industry and improvements, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” In principal, the government of a True Republic is an instrument for collective security where people are served, instead of being ruled, regulated or represented.


Plato, the Greek philosopher, warned that “given the shortcomings of men, governments will always destroy themselves. Once a society has become a Democracy, there is only a short time left. As a rule, tyranny arises from Democracy”. 

            Aage Nost, 12th of August, 2007